When Being Desperate Is The Light At The End Of Your Tunnel

Chisom L Okoye
4 min readMay 21, 2022

‘Who the fuck told you that?’ I asked, laughing with a shocked look on my face

Picture credit- Pinterest

My friend, standing across from me, along the corridors of our university(college) faculty, had just casually told me to try using my urine to treat my pimples!

Honestly, it was graduation season, and this was the wrong(est) time to be experiencing something like this. It was going to ruin my whole groove & vibe, plus it already made me so self conscious. Several face products I had bought from self-acclaimed skin experts wasn’t doing anything, except worsening my condition. Also, this was the very first time I experienced mass breakouts, it usually just came in one or twos…. until now. I was getting very bothered.

What made this funnier is, I was telling her about how my nail technician, had suddenly asked me if I had a boyfriend, and before I could even answer, he had told me that he was so sure I didn’t, because that’s the only reason I had this type of pimples on my face. For context, they were tiny, tiny pimples all over my face, resulting in a very rough texture, no matter how much makeup I used.

‘I was truly, really single, at this point’

As in, single pringle!, which made his claim somewhat believable, although ridiculous. He strongly advised me to get a boyfriend from my group of toasters, keep the sex life active, and miraculously watch the pimples disappear. Then to clear up my face faster, I should also use this boyfriend’s fresh sperm, from early in the morning, to rub all over my face, and watch out for amazing results. For most of our conversation, I just sat there in quiet disbelief, and him very excited, like he was revealing to me, a gold mine.

I was 22 years old hearing this for the first time, so I was shocked & stunned. Mainly because it made me so self-conscious of my face, all over again. Plus, it was another unsolicited advice I had gotten, although this time, I knew it came from a place of concern. I remember him saying, ‘Science has just complicated simple things. What do you think our fore-fathers were using to treat themselves, because they never had issues like this o’.

‘But who we go ask?’

My friend argued that since the creams I was using wasn’t working, then I should try a traditional method, and hers was less complicated. I was so sure I was never going to try any of their crazy advices, especially because I'm such a neat freak & the mere thought of putting those foreign things on my face, completely grossed me out!

‘Or so I thought’

Until I was alone with my thoughts, and thinking… What if these were the only solutions, for my skin’s salvation? What if all of this could be over in few weeks & I get my smooth skin back? What if this is how our fore-fathers truly cured their skin ailments? How bad can it be really? And if I was using my own urine, wouldn’t it be coming out of my body, so how can it hurt me? What’s worse than feeling this insecure???

With all these thoughts in my head, I eventually started the urine treatment(I can literally see the horror look on your face. LOL!). To be honest, I don’t regret it, I needed to try something desperately. So, for the next 2 weeks, I religiously used my first urine of the morning(because it’s the most pure & undiluted), with a cotton wool & rubbed this all over my face. In 3 weeks, I had very visible progress, my face was clearer and smoother. So yes, it worked. I was very happy and stopped the treatment.

‘But there was still a problem’

Urine contains 95% water, and 5% urea & uric acid, which has exfoliating properties, and causes the results seen with urine therapy. According to this refinery29 article, it’s not as uncommon as you think. In fact, many certified dermatologists have given their opinions, as this is a controversial topic.

Personally, as one who’ve used the urine therapy, and now a certified esthetician, here’s what I'll say; There’re several exfoliating ingredients, including urea & uric acid, gotten from natural products, replicated in a lab, and then used in skincare products, to treat issues like acne, hyperpigmentation, eczema, etc., which are much safer options. Also, because you know exactly what ingredient you’re putting on your skin, it helps you know what other ingredients you need to add for better results, and that’s an effective way to build a skincare routine.

The problem with urine therapy, is that, if you have any infection like urinary tract infection(UTI) or sexually transmitted infection(STI), then you could unknowingly transport that bacteria to your face & worsen your skin condition. What about the fact that our diet isn’t as healthy as what our fore-fathers ate in the past? There’s also the challenge of not knowing what triggered your breakout, & repeating actions that could trigger it again.

That was my case. Even though I got positive results earlier, I still unknowingly repeated actions that triggered my breakouts, like using scented bar soaps on my face, drinking milk, taking sugary drinks, etc. And soon, the acne came back, much worse.

So to all my acne girlies, Relax….. contact a dermatologist if you can, get yourself real skincare products, consistently apply these treatments, and your skin health will improve.

P.s: The answer’s NO. The urine smell doesn’t stay on the face. It actually disappears in seconds(I just know you were dying to know. LOL!).

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Chisom L Okoye

I’m obsessed with skincare, and go on exotic vacations every 5 working days…. in my head! I also write about relatable stuffs & femininity #xoxo